What do you need & Where do we sign up?
Well, you can start here.

My name is Antonius Sidharta.  I am the Coordinator for the Denton Junior Team Tennis.
My email address is tsidharta@jttdenton.org.  Or you can just use the contact form on the bottom of this page and I will help you the best I can.

You will need:

  1. A great desire to play Tennis and a love of the Game.
  2. A current USTA membership (must be valid for the duration of the league).  If you need a membership or need to renew, call 800.990.8782, or click here.  For the quickest respond, I would suggest you call them M-F 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. ET and Sat 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ET.
  3. Contact me or contact one of the sites, and fill out a registration form.
  4. That's it!

We currently have 4 main sites that will accept your registration.  Now, just because you sign up with Goldfield Tennis Center, for example, it doesn't mean that you will only play at Goldfield.  It just means that you will be playing for one of Goldfield's teams and Goldfield will be your home site.  You will get to play in other sites during away matches.  The same goes with the other sites. 

We have 9 main sites available for direct sign up.

Denton Country Club  Goldfield Tennis Center Oakmont Country Club 
 940.383.6647  512.538.8114 940.390.1226 
 Rhonda Gattis  Cody Smith  Kelly Sessions
 getagriptenniscenter@gmail.com  codywynn420@yahoo.com  kjsessions@hotmail.com

Highland Village

Krum Tennis 

Lantana Flower Mound Tennis 
214.240.6353 940.300.1195    940.349.8526 817.707.9560 
Joey Molina
 Lowyn Hendrickson Yvonne Ferrara Frank Ford
 joechong33@gmail.com  lowyn.hendrickson@krumisd.net  grayeventmanagement@yahoo.com www.frankfordtennis.com


               Warren Sport Complex Reynolds Middle School 
 214.727.9053 469.774.4560
Victor Nguyen David Gray
crazyvictor@gmail.com  grayeventmanagement@yahoo.com


Sign Me Up!

Tell me about yourself and we will help you with the rest

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address Street 1:
Address Street 2:
Zip Code: (5 digits)
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
Email: *
What can we help you with?
Please include what age (10,12,14, or 18) &
skill level (quickstart, beginner, intermediate, or advance)
you interested in.